
  1. Conventions
  2. Basic DE's
  3. Geometric Methods
  4. Numerical Methods
  5. Linear ODE's
  6. Integrating Factors
  7. Complex Arithmetic
  8. Sinusoidal Functions
  9. Constant Coefficients
  10. Exponential Input
  11. Autonomous Equations
  12. Linear vs. Nonlinear
  13. Characteristic Equation
  14. Damped Oscillators
  15. Exponential Response
  16. Gain and Phase Lag
  17. Undetermined Coefficients
  18. Linear Operators
  19. Pure Resonance
  20. Frequency Response
  21. Applications
  22. Fourier Series: Basics
  23. Operations
  24. Periodic Input
  25. Step and Delta
  26. Impulse Response
  27. Convolution
  28. Laplace Transform
  29. Partial Fractions
  30. Solving IVP's
  31. Transfer Functions
  32. Poles
  33. Linear Systems
  34. Matrix Methods
  35. Phase Portraits
  36. Matrix Exponentials
  37. Nonlinear Systems
  38. Linearization
  39. Limit Cycles and Chaos

Exercises are the problem that I can't solve or get wrong answer