1802 Operators

Operators are to functions as functions are to numbers. An operator takes a function, does something to it, and returns this modified function.

There are lots of examples of operators around: - The shift-by-aoperator (where ais a number) takes as input a function and gives as output the function . This operator shifts graphs to the right by a units. - The multiply-by-h(t) operator (where is a function) multiplies by : it takes as input the function and gives as output the function .

You can go on to invent many other operators. In this course the most important operator is: - The differentiation operator, which carries a function to its derivative . The differentiation operator is usually denoted by the letter D; so is the function . D carries to . For example, . This is usually read as "D applied to .”

The identity operator takes an input function and returns the same function, ; it does nothing, but it still gets a symbol, I: .

Operators can be added and multiplied by numbers or more generally by functions. Thus is the operator sending to .

The single most important concept associated with operators is that they can be composed with each other. Composition of two operators in a given order means that the two operators are applied to a function one after the other. For example, , the second-derivative operator, means dif­ferentiation twice, sending to . It is in fact the composition of D with itself: , so that .