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2002 Sinusoidally Driven Systems Second Order LTI DE's

We start with the second order linear constant coefficient (CC) DE, which as we've seen can be interpreted as modeling a damped forced harmonic oscillator. If we further specify the oscillator to be a mechanical system with mass , damping coefficient , spring constant , and with a sinusoidal driving force (with constant), then the DE is For many applications it is of interest to be able to predict the periodic response of the system to various values of .

In the sessions on Exponential Response and Gain & Phase Lag we worked out the general case of a sinusoidally driven LTI DE. Specializing these results to the second order case we have:
Characteristic polynomial: Complex replacement: Exponential Response Formula: where . (In this case must be between 0 and . We say is in the first or second quadrants.)
Letting , we can write the periodic response as

The complex gain, which is defined as the ratio of the amplitude of the output to the amplitude of the input in the complexified equation, is

The gain, which is defined as the ratio of the amplitude of the output to the amplitude of the input in the real equation, is

The phase lag is and we also have the time lag = .

Terminology of Frequency Response

We call the gain the amplitude response of the system. The phase lag is called the phase response of the system. We refer to them collectively as the frequency response of the system.