2004 Mechanical Vibration System Driving Through the Spring

The figure below shows a spring-mass-dashpot system that is driven through the spring.

Suppose that denotes the displacement of the plunger at the top of the spring and denotes the position of the mass, arranged so that when the spring is unstretched and uncompressed. There are two forces acting on the mass: the spring exerts a force given by (where is the spring constant) and the dashpot exerts a force given (against the motion of the mass, with damping coefficient ). Newton's law gives or, putting the system on the left and the driving term on the right, In this example it is natural to regard , rather than the right-hand side , as the input signal and the mass position as the system response. Suppose that is sinusoidal, that is, Then we expect a sinusoidal solution of the form

By definition the gain is the ratio of the amplitude of the system response to that of the input signal. Since is the amplitude of the input we have .

In the previous note in this session, we worked out the formulas for and , and so we can now use them with the following small change. The on the right-hand-side of equation needs to be included in the gain (since we don't include it as part of the input). We get

Note that the gain is a function of , i.e. . Similarly, the phase lag is a function of . The entire story of the steady state system response to sinusoidal input signals is encoded in these two functions of , the gain and the phase lag.
We see that choosing the input to be instead of scales the gain by and does not affect the phase lag.
The factor of in the gain does not affect the frequency where the gain is greatest, i.e. the practical resonant frequency. From the previous note in this session we know this is