2304 Integration and Differentiation

We can integrate a Fourier series term-by-term:
Example 1. Let then, Note: The integrated function is not periodic (because of the term), so the result is a series, but not a Fourier series.

We can also differentiate a Fourier series term-by-term to get the Fourier series of the derivative function.
Example 2. Let be the period triangle wave (continuous sawtooth) given on the interval by . Its Fourier series is In the previous session we computed the Fourier series of a period 2 triangle wave. This series can then be obtained from that one by scaling by in both time and the vertical dimension, using the methods we learned in the previous note.
The derivative of is the square wave. Differentiating the Fourier series of term-by-term gives

Example 3. What happens if you try to differentiate the square wave Solution. Differentiation term-by-term gives But, what is meant by ? Since consists of horizontal segments its derivative at most places is 0. However we can't ignore the 'vertical' segments where the function has a jump discontinuity. For now, the best we can say is that the slope is infinite at these jumps and doesn't exist. Later in this unit we will learn about delta functions and generalized derivatives, which will allow us to make better sense of .