2306 An Interpretation of Fourier Series

Fourier Analysis is a name sometimes used to denote the decomposition of a function into the sum of its sinusoidal harmonics, which are also called its Fourier components. Fourier Synthesis is a name used to denote the building up of a function by adding up its successive Fourier components; that is, the reconstruction of a function from its Fourier components.

The are electronic devices which can perform both types of operations, called Fourier analyzers and Fourier synthesizers. The ear and the brain also function as, respectively, a Fourier analyzer and a Fourier synthesizer! We describe this briefly (in very general terms).

The input to the ear is a time-varying pressure wave-form . The inner ear has an array of about twenty thousand hair-like cells, each of which resonates at a different frequency. Each of the individual Fourier components of stimulates a different one of these "hair" cells. Thus this array of cells acts all together as a Fourier analyzer. Each hair cell which gets selected by a component of to be driven into motion then stimulates an attached nerve which sends a signal to the brain. The brain (being the smart and capable device it is) then somehow combines or synthesizes these individual received Fourier components and produces a reconstructed approximation of the function as their sum. This reconstructed -pattern in the brain is then what we experience as the sound corresponding to the incoming pressure-wave signal .