2309 Exercises

Ex 1. What is the Fourier series for ?

We could compute the Fourier coefficients directly from the formulas, but instead we use a trig identity. By the double angle formula, , so The right hand side is a Fourier series; it happens to be finite here. That is, the Fourier series for has only two nonzero coefficients. When we regard as having period , its series has Fourier coefficients and .

This answer makes sense for two reasons. First, is an even function, and here all the 's are zero. Second, we expect polynomial functions of sine and cosine to have short Fourier series.

A remark from the point of view of material to be introduced later: This function has minimal period , so it might be more natural to speak about its Fourier series for period . This would be the same series, but the coefficients would be indexed differently. (If we thought of this Fourier series as having period , and would be the nonzero coefficients.)

Ex 2. Explain why any function is a sum of an even function and an odd function in just one way. What is the even part of ? What is the odd part?

This is a standard question to ask, and an important method to know.

An easy way to make an even function from an arbitrary is to take the sum . (Why is this even? )
Similarly, subtracting gives an odd function. (Check this is odd. )

Adding the two together would give , so we go back and divide by this factor of two: To show that this decomposition is unique, we suppose we have another decomposition , where is even and is odd.
We are assuming that. Rearranging terms, this means that The left hand side here is the sum of two even functions, so it is also even, and, similarly, the right-hand side is the sum of two odd functions, so it is odd. But then each side is simultaneously both even and odd, and has to be zero. Thus, and , so the even-odd decomposition of a function is unique.

This decomposition might seem familiar from hyperbolic trig function formulas: The even part of is , and the odd part of is .