3503 Sketching the Basic Linear Systems

In this note we will only consider linear systems of the form . Such a system always has a critical point at the origin.
We start by sketching a few of the simple examples, so as to get an idea of the various possibilities for their trajectories. We will also introduce the terminology used to describe the resulting geometric pictures.
Example 1. Let's consider the linear system on the left below. Its characteristic equation is , so the eigenvalues are . It is easy to see its general solution is the one on the right below: The only critical point of the system is .
Looking at the general solution in , we see that by giving one of the 's the value 0 and the other one the value 1 or -1, we get four easy solutions: These four solutions give four trajectories which are easy to plot. Consider the first, for example. When , the point is at ty = xt(0, 0)ty = xt This easily gives x^2 - y^2 = 4c_1c_2 = atty=-x It is immediate that x=c_1e^{-t}y=c_2e^{-2t} That is, the trajectories are a family of parabolas.
Following the same plan as in Example 1, we single out the four solutions Their trajectories are the four rays along the coordinate axes, the motion being always inward as tt The first order differential equation remains the same, so we get the same parabolas. The only difference in the work is that the exponentials now have positive exponents. The picture remains exactly the same except that now the trajectories are all traversed in the opposite direction - away from the origin - as t\plusmn i For this example let's see a different way of finding the trajectories. Dividing y'/x' The trajectories are the family of circles centered at the origin. To determine the direction of motion, look at the solution in (4)c_1 = 0, c_2 = 1y(1, 0)< 0, -1 >= -\boldsymbol{j}t(0, 0)t\lambda = -1 + i The two fundamental solutions (using c_1 = 0c_1 = 1e^-tt(5)(1, 0)-i - j \lambda = 1 + i(5)e^te^{-t}t$ increases, giving as pattern an unstable spiral, or source spiral, as in fig. 6.